Friday, January 18, 2013

Notre Dame + Media = Bullshit

They will tell you not to root for Notre Dame because of its connection to the Catholic Church, which apparently has spent decades protecting pedophiles. Phooey on that, I say - if you REALLY want a reason to not give a shit if Notre Dame wins a game, remember that they currently have two players on the roster who sexually assaulted students, including one who committed suicide a week after telling the police what happened. Neither of these players has missed a game, and will be dressed for the national title game next month. From what I can tell, the girl who committed suicide has not come back to life in the meantime. - XMASTIME
Someone finally points out the media's pathetic obsession over a the death of a girl that never happened, after months of not botherring to care about a one that actually did:
The peculiar mysteries at Notre Dame are almost too numerous to detail today, but one stands out among all the rest:
Why did the university show more public concern for a fake dead woman than a real one?
Mukluks: Rooster (you're welcome!)

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