Friday, March 29, 2013

10 Years Ago Today

10 years ago tonight, Hayday rocked The Charleston. It was also the last night before NYC's smoking ban in bars.  Since this is an excuse to repost the same old shit   In accordance with this week's gay marriage news, here's an old post with pics from that night. Enjoy!

What Happens to Fags

A lot of stuff has been going around re: Prop 8, should same-sex marriage be made legal etc etc. People wanna talk about the Constitutional ramifications (ooooohhh....doesn't "ramifications" just SOUND like someone's getting ass-handled?) of such an amendment, and they also wanna talk about what effect it would have on traditional marriage. I don't know what effect it would have on traditional marriage, but I am here to tell you what will happen if it becomes okay for queers to get married: they will die.

How do I know this? Let's take a walk:

Oh look, here's Hayday rocking a nice set out at the Charleston. No big deal, just melting some faces. Hey, you worked hard all week; you've earned the right to have your ass handed to you by my bordering-on-the-absurdly frighteningly awesome fretwork.

Oh look, here's Xmastime bringing his buddy Dave up to play a song. I think it was Cant Hardly Wait, if memory serves me. And by "if memory serves me," I mean some kids from the Netherlands YouTubed it and are prolly filming me right now, as we speak.

Okay, here we are, rocking, blowing the roof off the place, and Dave comes over to sing into my mic and...OH SHIT!!! WE KISS!!!!!!!!!!! Dish & Brian have that "omigod, we're playing with fags!!!" look on their faces.

And since we kissed, now God has decided to step in, and what does God do with fucking fags? That's right - he fucking vaporizes them; turning them into green dust, never to be seen again.

I mean goddam, that was it - "bye bye, faggot!" God seemed to say. To be honest, I have no idea why he spared me. Maybe cause I played high school football, so he knows my gayness might've been a thing of the moment? But poor, poor Dave...ain't seen him since. Zap, gone. After our third encore that night, when the police finally showed up to disperse the crowd and I had picked out my "Tail of the Night," I remember thinking geez, what happened to Dave? And now we know. If you're queer, God will fucking vaporize you. Vote accordingly, America.

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