Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I mentioned Gut Renovation, one of at LEAST two movies right now about the gentrification of Williamsburg, which I guess people are still upset about, HERE. And today we see the NY Times' (or, as I call it, "the paper") review of it:
With her previous employer, the Developers Group, Ms. Burke was involved in several projects in Williamsburg, including the Edge. She also lives in the area and has two small dogs. “Can we fast-forward yet?” she said a few minutes after the film began. “Just kidding.” Ms. Burke watched calmly, for the most part, leaning forward in her chair every few minutes to dispense counterarguments. “She fails to mention that building was in a total state of disrepair,” she said of a brick structure on Bayard Street that was torn down. “At some point, people will sell a building; that’s why you buy it,” she added later in the film. “It’s not like shoes.” And finally: “Who wants to live next to a chicken processing plant?” she said, as its old site and the building that replaced it flashed across the street. “I mean, come on.”

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