Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19 Classic Post

This one's from 2008:

Xmastime Does a Children's Book.

Goodnight moon.
Goodnight dresser.
Goodnight couch.
Goodnight 2/3 empty 40oz Bud bottle.
Goodnight pile of empties in corner growing fur.
Goodnight 8 year-old copy of "Penthouse Variations."
Goodnight 1/3 empty 40oz Bud bottle.
Goodnight jizz rag (Buster)
Goodnight small pile of broken glass on floor.
Goodnight "Hardcastle and McCormick" screenplay (rough draft.)
Goodnight rats.
Goodnight rats' friends.
Goodnight 4 year-old copy of "Penthouse Variations."
Goodnight moon.

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