Saturday, March 30, 2013


A library in Prince George is using Monopoly to do something besides merely pick up chicks (I, of course, see everything and anything as an opportunity to pick up chicks):
The Monopoly program offers something different. The players, ages 11 to 26, may come to get away from the stresses of life. But the founder of the group hoped they would see parallels between Monopoly and the prospects of their success: Both are games of choice and chance.
“We’re trying to teach them financial literacy, but we don’t tell them that,” said Kim Carrington, the Prince George’s substitute teacher and parent activist who started the program. “We tell them what a great game it is.”
And yes, I'm still trying top sell Parker Brothers on a version based on my old loft in Williamsburg:
I should create a Monopoly based on my loft.
"Stuck in kitchen for 20 minutes while Frank blathers on like a crack-fueled Daffy Duck about nonsensical shit nobody on Earth remotely gives two shits about. Go back three spaces - scratch that, jump out the goddam window, you're fucked."

"3,288th straight day with no ladies in the loft. Please stop playing this fucking game." 
Hey look - it's Marley!

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