Thursday, March 14, 2013

Portrait of Xmastime As a Young Jerkoff

10 years ago this month, as guest bloggity-blogger on the now-defunct MUDDYGUT:

H8n' on France? And insisting on shoving fat down gullets? To paraphrase Oppenheimer: "I am become Sarah Palin."

Of course, part of my evolution has been to love France, as you already know.

text for the link:
And Yes, I'd Like a F@*&ing Apple Pie with That
Yet another reason to hate France. They're dissin the most American of restaurants, trying to undercut us thru our stomachs!!! Just to cram it down their faces I'm gonna go blow up the Dollar Menu today for about $20 worth. We all gotta do our part.Posted by: Greg on Mar 21, 03 | 9:52 am | Profile

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