Friday, March 15, 2013


Our favorite escaped cobra of course has a few words to say about celebrating the man who drove the snakes from Ireland:
There were NO snakes in Ireland before he even got there. How did this guy get his own holiday? Where's my holiday? I got rid of all the polar bears in Ireland. Don't believe me? Try to find a single polar bear in Ireland. Yep, that was all me. Holiday me, please. 
On St. @BronxZoosCobra's Day, everyone has to wear snakeskin. If you don't, people are allowed to bite you. 
The holiday drink of choice? It's appletinis for everyone. Snakes and apples have gone together from literally day one. And guys love appletinis, but never get to order them because it doesn't seem like a manly drink. Well, go crazy on St. @BronxZoosCobra's Day, guys.

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