Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Defense is For Losers

My disinterest in playing defense was such that even in three on three I’d somehow insist on playing zone. If forced to play man, I’d teach my teammates a lesson in the first few minutes by letting my man blow by me for an easy layup, during which I’d yell at a teammate “switch!” and collapse on the ground in laughter.  -  XMASTIME
Turns out that as usual, I was decades ahead of everyone else, for this now has a name - the Anti-Boogie:
Call it the Anti-Boogie — when players pat their chest and raise one hand in acknowledgement of a defensive breakdown that leads to an easy opponent hoop. It's a nice way to take the heat off a teammate who might be closer to the resulting dunk or 3-pointer, and when the breakdown occurs off the ball or in any sort of nonobvious place, the Anti-Boogie is a good window into a team's defensive scheme — of what players are supposed to do in specific situations.

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