Thursday, April 25, 2013

Finally. Some Answers.

7) I am terrible at greeting women when they walk into a room. I never know whether to get up and do the ol’ fake-cheek kiss, get up and shake their hands, hug, no idea. So I usually do that thing where I crouch about 8 inches above my chair, hover back and forth for a few seconds, then panic and sit down. Meanwhile every other dude moves effortlessly and glides in graciously doing the right thing. I’m an asshole sitting in my chair; so now I have to pretend to be distracted, like I didn’t see her. I’m almost 34 years old, you’d think I’d know how to greet a lady when she enters a room. Christ. I guess my big fear is I’ll go in for the kiss and all of a sudden she’ll be horrified, and scream that I’m disgusting and embarrass me in front of everyone. - XMASTIME
Some dude HERE finally cracks the code and explains how to shake a lady's hand. Of course I haven't actually read it. Who's got time for that shit?

SIDE NOTE: my gay sex stuff in that post are fucking killer. You know, just so you know.

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