Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Happy Birfday

“Damn, that sucks,” Beval said.  “Last week I - GODDAMMIT!”
She jerked the wheel and we lurched into the opposite lane before settling back into place in the correct lane, all with me not even realizing what had just happened.
“Fucking dog!”  Beval was yelling.  “I almost hit that stupid fucking dog!”
I looked out the window and saw a rotweiller built like it lived at the gym, glaring at us as we drove away.  I’d never seen a dog with six-pack abs and defined trapezoid muscles before; I’m surprised he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off that read FRANKIE SAY RELAX.
“Freaking rotweiller, too,” I said, shaking my head.  A few years before, Dave’s brother’s dog Max was almost chewed in half by a rotweiller, thanks to some douchebag hipster who didn’t feel the need to put him on a fucking leash.

Happy 10th Birfday to one of my all-time favorites, my one-time Valentine, Max!  :)

"Hey you."

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