Sunday, April 07, 2013

Me: I'm Awesome. Time to Accept It.

Sometimes I like to pretend to myself that the world DOESN'T revolve around me. "Hey, you're just some guy that means nothin' to nobody!" I tell myself, patting myself on the back for my humbleness. Then something like the Williamsburg Softball League Week 1 Preview comes around, and I'm reminded that yes, I AM the center of the fucking universe.
Now recovered from letting the North Division title slip through their fingers in the most perplexing fashion on WSL record, the Reelers will once again duke it out against newbies to the north division, Battleship Clemerica. Finishing last season with an 11-7 record, R2R has made strides to remain hip and dangerous in the wake of Greg “Shoeless Skippah” Wilson’s departure by adding a tattooed, rookie left-hander, Denis Bramley.
I mean, I left at the beginning of last season and they STILL can do nothing but talk about me.

Sigh. Time to give it up and accept how awesome I really am.

Well, with some  faux  humility, of course.

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