Sunday, April 07, 2013

No More True Rock Stars?

Maybe, according to someone via Sully:
I wonder if there will ever be another rock star. Probably not. Axl Rose was the last one in the sense of having a drug problem, dating a centerfold, showing up onstage at Madison Square Garden two hours and 15 minutes late to an audience that continued to sit and wait. No one would sit and wait anymore. Too exhausted.

And the whole point is to post that it happened on Facebook, not to have the experience.
One time I played an entire show without realizing my amp was turned off. Another time I was at the bar three songs before the set ended, and nobody noticed. And I was the singer. Hey, anyone can be a rock star; it takes a special kind of courage to walk onstage when you're me. I was like the old Bob Uecker quote:
"Anybody with ability can play in the big leagues. To last as long as I did with the skills I had, with the numbers I produced, was a triumph of the human spirit."

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