Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Missed Opportunities. They're Sad.

Why are there still “No Smoking” signs on every airplane? Hasn’t it been about 20 years since smoking was banned? Is this still a problem; has anyone ever seen anyone in the last 15 years get caught smoking while unawares? “I can’t smoke on this plane?? When did THIS happen????” And doesn’t that set up a “well, I didn’t know I couldn’t punch the stewardess, there wasn’t a sign NOT to…I knew I wasn’t allowed to smoke, but I have to plead ignorance on this one, Your Honor”? Or should we just assume that there has never been an airplane built after 1987? Gee, that’s comforting.- XMASTIME
THIS LIST HERE of 11 Signs, Announcements, and Disclaimers That Are No Longer Necessary starts out well with that being #1 on the list, but then drops the ball by not wondering why turnstiles still say NO TOKENS:
Speaking of the subway, why do the turnstiles still say NO TOKENS? Haven't tokens been obsolete for almost a decade now? Who the fuck are these messages for? Who's showing up at the train these days "what the...no tokens?? when the fuck did THIS happen?" I guess it would be like if after I had sampled her delights, a lady of the bon soir casually mentioned to me "hey, no farthings" as I started to pay. Wtf.

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