Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The world's fattest man died the other day. which makes me think of two questions:
1) how does this happen?
2) can I recycle an old post so I don't hafta bother stringing words together again?

Turns out the answer is a big, fat, resounding YES:
4) The fat fucks I’m watching on The Learning Channel. People that weigh about 900lbs, don’t leave their beds and eat almost 20,000 calories a day. I don’t care that they eat so much, but how can they buy all this fucking food? Dude I’m looking at right now – hasn’t left the bed in over a decade. His family is like a rotating hotel staff, constantly cooking for him. They assuage themselves as enablers by saying well, if we don’t give him food he’ll just order delivery. What? Where is this money coming from? Is he selling pictures of his gargantuan man titties online? Doubtful, he probably ate the computer. And I would’ve recognized him. What the fuck. Now we see him shrug and say “I love food, I’m addicted to eating!” Hey, if I could afford it I’d be addicted to Brazilian hookers coming over to sit on my face while wrapping a Pizza Hut meat lover’s around my dick, but I can’t. Flummoxed. And if you’re thinking I’m shilling to Pizza Hut for an endorsement deal, you’re not wrong. Between my almost perfect set of testicles and willingness to do anything with a pizza, I think they could do worse. Oh wait. They have.

Cause nothing makes me hungry for pizza like a pig in a low-cut dress hanging from strings. Mmmmm. But enuff about the last woman I had back in my apartment.

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