Monday, May 13, 2013

Seinfeld York City

Via SULLY, we find that Seinfeld has been voted, surprise, "The Most New York Show of all Time."

I moved there January 1, 1998 and can remember watching the finale at Rrthur's house on Ainslie Street (YES, ladies, THAT Rrthur.) I will say that besides everything the guy says about living in NYC being spot-on, Seinfeld reruns actually got funnier once I was fully immersed in NYC. I got more of the esoteric references that went over or by my head the first time around. Even a character saying "on line" instead of "in line" is something I would then catch. I think I wrote the same thing about reading Walt Whitman after having moved to NYC, but that must have been back in  the days before the ol' tappity-tap, when you wrote things on paper, therein rendering search engines useless. The 1920s, I believe.

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