Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Best of The Office

HERE'S A LIST of the 47 funniest moments from The Office.

Just off the top of my head, mine are:
Jim making Michael say TWSS.
Anytime Packer calls Jim "queer."
Darryl falling on the table at the Xmas party.
The fake fire drill.
Threat Level Midnight
Oscar's horrendous Southern accent during the murder game.
Ryan saying "I don't need a judge to tell me to clean up my community" and Jim saying "but he did, didn't he?"
Jim putting Dwight's desk in the bathroom and then calling him.
The movie tagline Michael made up: "he had no arms or legs, he couldn't see, hear or speak...this is how he led a nation."
Anything Micahel ever said to Toby.

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