Monday, June 17, 2013

Lighten Up, Francis

Bob Costas is getting some shit:
Veteran broadcaster Bob Costas called out the Mets on NBC Sunday for celebrating their 4-3 walk-off win against the Cubs too much to his liking.
During a U.S. Open golf update, Costas showed a clip of the Mets' comeback victory and the celebration that followed Kirk Nieuwenhuis' game-winning three-run homer at Citi Field.
"A team 14 games under .500 celebrates as if it just won the seventh game of the World Series," Costas said. "Another indication of the ongoing decline of Western Civilization."
Of course since its 2013, Mets fans took to their Twitter handles to blast Costas for crushing their buzz.

On one hand, Costas is right. Nothing bugs the shit out of me more than when some scrub sacks the qb while down 44-3 and then takes ten minutes to celebrate with some choreographed Flight-of-the-Bumblebee-meets-Randy-fucking-Savage bullshit.

But on the other other hand, baseball is a looooooooong, hot fucking season. If you have a reason, ANY reason to let loose and have some fun, you gotta fucking do it. Look at Swish. And the Yankees went on to win it all.*

DISCLAIMER: the Mets will not win it all.

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