Friday, June 14, 2013

Quite a Friday Night I'm Putting Together Here

Curled up in bed eating a peanut butter sandwich while watching Brideshead Revisted? Sure, why the hell not.

“Exactly.  And there’s no way she’s gonna see all those shiny, new clothes and not wanna try some on herself, right?  Even the crap she has NO intention of buying she’ll still wanna try on!  We’re gonna be in there all day.”
“But I’ll tell you what the WORST thing is, lil buddy.”
Chuck was pointing at a dog walking by.
“Hey!  Are you even listening to me?”
I almost caught his sippy cup before it hit the ground, but bobbled it.
“The worst part is that, unbelievably, during all this trying crap on, guess who has to hold her freaking purse?”
“You’re gotdam right it’s Rats,” I smacked the table with my palm.  “’Just for one second!’ she’ll tell you.”
“Wha second Rats!”
“You’re know it’s never just for one second, lil’ buddy. And of course this is the moment your old high school football coach decides to stroll through the middle of freaking Daffy’s in Midtown Manhattan for no particular reason.  He sees you standing there holding a girl’s handbag, and just says ‘I knew it.’  Man.  Brutal.”

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