Saturday, June 01, 2013

Xmastime Movie Review

For some reason I find myself watching The Campaign. First of all, I take full responsibility for signing up to watch exactly what I know it's going to be: yet another Will Ferrell 101 steaming pile.

I've bitched about Ferrel since 2006, but this one REALLY feels like the penultimate Ferrell-sleepwalking-while-doing-Will Ferrell-paint-by-the numbers turd. Discussing his performance is not even worth the time; the movie would be better off if you could just magically mute his voice and insert your own, since you know exactly what he's going to do/say at all times.

Galiniakis is funny because well, he always is, but even he wears thin after a while. To be honest, the surprise MVP so far is Dermot Mulroney as the cutthroat campaign manager. Well, and Ferrell's wife's tittays.

One question - going into the movie, I assumed it was a tiny podunk town, since Ferrell has been running unopposed for years. Then they mention the district has 700,000 people. What?

Okay, I'm flipping away now. Ugh.

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