Monday, July 22, 2013

Beatles Browbeat du Jour

50 Years ago Lennon/McCartney wrote She Loves You. Here's how:
Already maturing, the partnership’s writing formula can be heard here as the dual expression of Lennon’s downbeat cynicism and McCartney’s get-up-and-go optimism. Much of the pair’s musical originality derived from their self-taught willingness to let their fingers discover chord-sequences by exploring the architecture of their guitars rather than following orthodox progressions. Yet these choices were driven by the harmonies they used—and these arguably reflected the contrast of their temperaments. Even at this stage their relationship could be acerbic and they were capable of bickering vitriolically in public, though under this lay an enduring emotional bond and a steady respect for each other’s talent and intelligence which overrode their disagreements.
This is funny:
Paul then relates how they premiered the song to his father.  "We went into the living room - 'Dad, listen to this.  What do you think?'  So we played it to my dad and he said, 'That's very nice, son, but there's enough of these Americanisms around.  Couldn't you sing, "She loves you, Yes! Yes! Yes!"'  At which point we collapsed in a heap and said, 'No, Dad, you don't quite get it!'"
Previous Beatles Browbeat HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but he really DID get it. YES....YES...YES!!!!!