Monday, July 29, 2013

Don't Go Go Go Matsui

Along with the yin-and-yang of the old guard and the new guys and the gray hairs and the youth, there is a nice symmetry to Matsui winning the World Series MVP; it feels like he's standing for all the guys that came and went since 2000 without getting a ring. Some were good Yankees (Giambi, Moose) and some were douchebags (Johnson, Brown, Sheffield.) Matsui was always the best of them all, a great Yankee. - XMASTIME 
Buried in all the excitement yesterday (to me, at least) of Jeter's return/HR and Soriano's return/HR/GWRBI was Hideki Matsui retiring as a Yankee. Beautiful.
On Sunday, one of the most humble and beloved players to don a Yankee uniform in the last decade was shown just how much he was appreciated as he announced his retirement from baseball.
“This moment will be a moment that I will never forget,” Matsui said. “To be able to retire as a member of the team that I aspired to and looked up to, I think there is nothing more fulfilling.”
I can still remember his getting his World Series ring like it was yesterday.
I have never cried in an office. I cannot imagine a setting in which I would even come close. But I will say that the closest I've ever come is watching the Yankees' impromptu swarming of Matsui when he was just announced on the field and given his World Series ring.

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