Monday, July 08, 2013

Jay-Z...are You Fucking Kidding Me?

According to Xmastime, Jay-Z "retired" from music almost a decade ago, and then he refused to use the word "bitch" in his lyrics. You're welcome for my pointing out that nonsense.

And now thanks to the Washington Post, we find out that he's just yet another blowhard who's selling "rap" to anyone who will also buy his fragrance, his towels, etc...
Throughout “Magna Carta,” the 43-year-old pretends he’s a threat to a system he’s so eagerly become a part of, as if his life as a champion capitalist is some perpetually escalating act of subversion. Hooray? Rooting for this man in 2013 is like rooting for Pfizer. Or PepsiCo. Or PRISM.

You'll excuse me if I don't find the sensibilities of someone about to buy the NBA to be in sympatico with my own.

Jay-Z's been full of shit for over a decade now, ever since he "retired." It'd be nice if everyone called him on his bullshit.

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

He's just Puff Part II with little more talent << not hard to supplant that talentless assclown. These guys are a rank drain on the music world that inspires other mediocre musicians to create brands, not music, so that they can be too rich to be called on it.