Monday, July 08, 2013

Promises, Promises

My dream is still to live-blog Eddie & the Cruisers II, possibly the dumbest movie of all time. And me and GodiHateYourCruisers were laughing about it this morning, and I can think of nothing else right now. - XMASTIME
The only thing that saves "Eddie and the Cruisers" from being one of the dumbest, most implausible flicks of all time is the fact that the sequel is even worse. So bad in fact is deserves a running blog while watching, which I promise in the near future. - XMASTIME
I've been promising you people a live-blogging of the dumbest movie of all-time, Eddie & the Cruisers II. Maybe I can talk RRTHUR (YES ladies, THAT RRTHUR) into co-hosting one with me sometime soon. In the meantime, see the whole turd here. You're welcome, earth.

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