Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Xmastime Classic, All-Star Game Edition

From July 23, 2009.

Like his father, I assume Big Bear will be an Orioles fan - hell, he's already got the hat, that's half the battle with kids. So I would declare my loyalty to my godson as being such that should, god forbid, something awful happen to his parents (feels like a tainted mayo incident, doesn't it? "Ugh, something's wrong with this deviled egg...something's not right." "Really? Let me try one!" boom! dead) and I need to raise him myself, I will toss aside my beloved Yankees and be an Orioles fan so we can watch the games every evening in solidarity.

Hey, what has 2 thumbs and ain't won dick since Cal Ripken was 23 years old?

THIS guy!

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