Wednesday, August 07, 2013

I Am Oddly Impressed.

For some reason, I'm not as impressed with anything my friends say or do as much as I am when one of them chooses who's about to be kicked off American Idol correctly. If I was in charge of Thomas Jefferson's tombstone and he had said that Alaina Whitaker would get the boot in the round of 10, it'd be right up there with the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the University of Virginia. And Sherman Hemsley, of course. So when one of my friends hits one out of four, I'm fucking impressed big time. Two outta four, I'm losing my shit a bit and clapping like a seal. 3? A teen girl at Shea Stadium in August '65. As for 4 outta 4, I don't even wanna think about it, my eyes would probably roll into the back of my head and I'd fall to the it was written long ago, "(s)he that would choose 4 out of 4 shall walk out of the desert to lead them..."  - XMASTIME
I feel the same way about the Ramen burger. Humans do amazing things every day, but this is what makes me stop and gasp "whoa!...we did it."

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