Friday, August 30, 2013

In Case You Didn't Already Think Millenials Sucked Enough

Apparently they hate Bruce "The Boss' Springsteen:
  1. He’s old.
  2. He sucks.
  3. He sucks because he’s old.
  4. He’s old because he sucks.
  5. He sings about being a member of the working class even though he’s made millions and millions of dollars over the past 30 years
  6. “Born in the USA” sucks.
So to those born between the releases of “Tunnel of Love” and “Tom Joad”: please Spotify “The Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle.” Get “Darkness on the Edge of Town” while you’re at it (though you can skip “Candy’s Room”), and “Born to Run,” and “Nebraska,” and “The Rising.” Watch a few of his shows on YouTube, then look me in the eye and tell me he doesn’t fit into your life, somehow; that he doesn’t make you feel exhilarated and overwhelmed and joyful and heartbroken and hot-blooded and alive. Because the next time Bruce asks me, “Is there anybody alive out there?” I don’t want to be lying on behalf of my generation when I shout back, “Yes.”
Of course, it's perfectly natural for youngsters (a varicose vein in my leg just popped, yes) to not give a shit about some dude who's 100 years, old, as we saw a while back when Marley took Marley 2.0 to a Bruce show. Money quote:
10:03pm - Marley Jr: "No, really. How much of this do you think we have left?"
"Millenials suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!"

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