Sunday, August 11, 2013

Oh, Virginia. Sigh.

After leaning towards joining the 21st century in the 2008 & 2012 elections, my home state of Virginia has decided to once again make itself look like backwoods-ass hicks by ta-da! setting up some 15-foot rebel flag so the world can see how stupid it is.

The whole thing about Southerners clinging to the Confederate flag seems to be a unique thing in the world. And it's usually this "argument":
“I think that society has allowed us to become almost ashamed to our heritage because of the mistruths that are taught,” she says. “Some people want to put a stigma on one flag and rather than stand up and say this flag is my great, great grandfather’s flag.”
I mean, I just don't get the feeling there's a lot of people in Germany demanding to wave around swastikas because of their grandfathers.


The Gnat said...

Confederatees = Nazis. Original concept - I think you proved the point.

You Mississippians are all alike.

Xmastime said...

yes, we are...AMAZING!!!!!