Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Roast Deez Nuts

Comedy Roasts used to be an evening of comedians/celebrities who loved each other ripping each other to shreds.  Think Don Rickles on Dean Martin.  Then it devolved into some comedians making fun of their quasi-troubled, C-list celebrity friends.  Then it devolved further into a set group of comedians making fun of troubled celebrities.  Then it devolved even further into a set group of comedians FULLY ADMITTING THAT THEY HAD NEVER MET THE "HONOREE" launching into a scripted "roast" of whichever celebrity happened to show up.

And now, the nadir: some guy that's rich and famous enough to demand people that couldn't give two shits about whether he lives or dies but need the publicity "roast" him, so that he can get hours and hours of publicity for his pretend presidential run and reality shows. - XMASTIME
Thankfully, James Franco may be putting an end to this.

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