Sunday, August 11, 2013

Who Puts This Shit Together?

Most of my life I've thought of The Breakfast Club of being my age's defining movie, but now I realize those kids were an age group too old for me (5-6 years difference does a generation make at that age, after all.) I remember writing a post years ago about the phenomenon that we're more likely to be nostalgic for times that came JUST BEFORE our own, but I can't find it so fuck it.

Unfortunately for me, I'm stuck with Reality Bites, about which I couldn't agree with this statement  any stronger:
few Gen Xers would willingly claim this movie, but they're stuck with it.
Side question - are PCU or Singles a better choice than Reality Bites? - XMASTIME

The movie that might single-handedly define my generation is, in fact, Reality Bites. Kill me now.  - XMASTIME
Meanwhile, over at Salon we see this headline:
Generation X gets really old: How do slackers have a midlife crisis? 
Gutted by the economy, shipwrecked by nostalgia, Gen X stares down a midlife crisis. Winona Ryder can't save it.
And yet the picture right under the headline?
What? With that headline, why wouldn't you show the applicable movie featuring, you know...Winona Ryder? What the fuck?

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