Thursday, August 08, 2013


Dude over at Salon saying what I've been saying for years: the Eagles fucking suck!!!!
Zip it, Chuck Klosterman! Rock critics want you to reexamine the much-hated band. Don't -- they're still loathsome.
Better yet, let's let Marley sum it up via their stunningly beyond atrocious solo work:
No one hates The Eagles more than me, and yet Marley brought it home with shocking clarity tonight that the Henley/Frye solo careers were somehow, inexplicably, EVEN FUCKING WORSE. Here's a rundown of their songs that were HUGE hits in 1980s, each more horrific than the one before:

Down at the Sunset Grill
Heart of the Matter
The Heat is On
You Belong to the City
Boys of Summer
Smugglers Blue
Dirty Laundry
Not Enough Love in the World
All She Wants to do is Dance
The End of the Innocence
Wow. These fucking turds make Boys of Summer sound like A Day in the Life times Bastards of Young. Jesus.In a bet I never would have won, these idiots' fucking output during that time (all of which were HUGE hits) is even worse than I remembered. It's like realizing the Holocaust, which already fucking sucked, was even worse that you'd thought. Wow. Steaming turds, your table is now ready.

Here's Marley playing guess the lyrics, trying to keep a straight face as I did years ago with Pour Some Sugar on Me which is, incredibly, better than any song on the above list!!!

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