Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fuck the Banks

Earlier today I was at
a random check cashing placemy bank, and I saw this sign. It appears that their fees make it twice as easy to pay your Cingular Wireless bill as your NYS child support. Hmm. I wanna be bummed for these kids who might be affected, but I guess I should instead be happy Cingular is getting their benjamins as quick as possible. Good for them!  - XMASTIME
Lower-income people are telling banks to go fuck themselves:
The primary critique of check cashers is that they are expensive. Sitting in my New School office eight miles south of Mott Haven, I had believed that, too. When I interviewed my customers, however, I learned that for many lower income people, commercial banks are ultimately more expensive. The rapidly increasing cost of bounced checked fees and late payment penalties has driven many customers away from banks, particularly those who live close to the edge, like many of my RiteCheck customers. A single overdraft can result in cascading bad checks and hundreds of dollars in charges.

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