Wednesday, September 11, 2013

happy Birfday illWill, II

Via ici:
We spent a lot of time on names that summer too. For some reason I was stuck on “William Phillip;” obviously I wanted him to grow up to be a soap opera character who disappears on his yacht, is thought to be dead, then comes back 15 years later, a changed man (so we think – but STILL secretly a prick who had embezzled millions from his wife’s father’s plastic fruit company!!!!)...One weird thing about him as a young kid, I mean 2-4ish, is how grumpy he’d be when he’d wake up. My family was all early risers, we’d be sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast discussing world affairs and he’d come stumbling in, eyes glazed like a zombie, careening into the first chair he’d see. Then he’s stare out into space. He looked like a 90-year old who had just had something quickly waved in his face: stunned, vacant, and in disbelief that the Negroes had really been set free. “Good morning Will!” we’d say. To which he’s snap “shut up! It’s NOT a good morning!”

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