Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Five Stages

Of missing the Replacements reunion:
Denial - Look man, it’s not even the full band!  I mean, sure Paul & Tommy toured with two other guys in 1991, too, but how can it be legitimate without Chris Mars and the reinanimated corpse of Bob Stinson? No way.
Anger — This is fucking stupid! Why can’t they play any shows on the West Coast? I mean, what makes Riot Fest so special, anyways? Not to mention, that the ‘mats were one of the greatest club bands to ever walk the earth, so seeing in a Festival setting wouldn’t nearly be the same. Whatever.
Bargaining — Maybe if I skip paying my mortgage for a month, I can afford to go. No? I know, I’ll put it all on a credit card and skip Christmas instead. Or maybe we can get by with only having one car for awhile.
Depression —  I’m so old and lame that I can’t figure out how to see one of my all-time all-time all-time favorite bands. What kind of Replacements fan am I anyways? I mean, if I was a true fan, I’d totally be there. Fuck me, I really suck.
Acceptance — Holy fuck, did you see how awesome “Left of the Dial” was?? I got chills and tears when they went out of the guitar solo and into the last verse. I’m so glad they did even this.

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