Saturday, September 07, 2013

This Is Truly The Greatest Time Ever to Be Alive

Backstreet Boys fan pens a letter to One Direction fans:
As for imagining a romantic pairing between members of the group, forget about it. That was a fantasy you held in private, not something you could share on Tumblr for thousands of reblogs. (Tumblr didn’t even exist. Take a moment.) And the Backstreet Boys never gave in to our hidden desires with self-conscious moments of guy-on-guy flirtation. One Direction’s homoeroticism is one of the most delightful things about them, but it’s important to remember how far we’ve come. If we deviant BSB fans wanted to read about AJ and Brian giving in to the love that dare not speak its name, we had to scour the internet for poorly written erotica — just words, no pictures! And we had so little to work with, because we had such limited knowledge of the Backstreet Boys’ true selves.

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