Friday, October 04, 2013

America: Refuckinglax Already.

5) The other day I walked by a magazine stand and there was a Penthouse with Jenna Jameson on the cover with the headline “Jenna…as You’ve NEVER Seen Her Before!!” I’m like, what does that mean? Jenna fully dressed in a library reading to children? Jenna in a nice pantsuit watching the game? OHHH, wait, it’s Jenna getting drilled by 2 dudes with her face in a doggy dish. Hmm. Sorry, but yes, we have seen this before. - XMASTIME
Everybody in the world seems to be concerned about Miley Cyrus. Some, like Sinead O'Conner, have for some reason extended their hand in the form of an open letter. We're all running around in circles with hands clutched together crying 'oh my god what about Miley?!?! OMG what's going to happen to her!?!?! Why is Neil Diamond here?!?!!?"

Didn't we just go through this with Britney? And Lindsay? Shouldn't we kinda be used to this shit by now? When a parent has a bunch of kids, don't they handle their youngest driving for the first time different than the first?

In other words who gives a shit. No matter how "racy" she acts now, she'll still have more money than God so she'll be perfectly fine. Right now we're still in the "shocking", "Miley: as you've never seen her before" years, but we're only a few short years away from her putting her clothes back on, dismissing these years as her childish period and, eventually, chastising some pop star on the moon who can't keep her space suit on around the boys.

More than anything, I'm just surprised Glenn Beck or some other idiot hasn't accused Obama of staging all this Miley Cyrus shit to distract everybody from the shutdown et al.  You know, using a mostly-naked child to distract you as he destroys freedom, Jesus, and Jesus' Scrappy, Loveable sidekick, Baby Jesus.

Besides, if Miley really wanted to be ballsy she'd dress nice and let her music stand on its own. Without actually listening to it, I can pretty much guess she's doing the right thing instead.

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