Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Today was the 10th anniversary of Aaron Boone's historic shot off Tim Wakefield to win the 2003 ALCS. I remember I had been out at The Nest watching the game and was "resting my eyes" when, for some reason, the lady I was in love with at the time nudged me awake, and seconds later I witnessed the homer. Which is kinda funny since yesterday was the 25th anniversary of Kirk Gibson's dinger of Eckersley, and Brothatime!! and I had just walked in the door from some party (up at Johnny Minor's presumably), turned on the tv and the first pitch we saw went off Gibson's bat and outta the park.

To me though, his greatest contribution to baseball will always be providing the zinger of 2009:

 Chip Caray: "Can you believe Aaron Boone is returning from open-heart surgery before Jose Reyes is from a hamstring injury?"
As I said back then: ha!

Off course Boone getting hurt playing pickup basketball that offseason was the reason the Yankees got A-Rod. Who knows how history may have been changed - was Yankee history changed more by Boone's dinger or his getting hurt?

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