Saturday, October 05, 2013

Where's R-Patz?

I'm watching Bela Legosi's Dracula. I've never seen it before, and whenever I see that iconic shot of him on the stairs I think about the first book about vampires I ever read as a kid, where the shot haunted the front cover. It was in that book that I read (always, of course, returning it to Brothatime!!'s book collection without any creases, fingerprints, or any evidence whatsoever of it having been read, lest I incur the wrath of a young Brothatime!!) about Vlad Tepes, Elizabeth Bathory etc. Those were some scary as shit, real life fuckers. Which is one reason I'll probably never get the whole Twilight-inspired vampire craze these days - when I hear the word "vampire," I assume that someone will be trying to scare me. But good looking kids in designer clothing milling around high school waiting to make out with each other isn't particularly scary. I mean, if I'm watching a movie and at any moment a scene from The Breakfast Club might break out, I can't say I'm really white-knuckling things. Unlike, say, Vlad or Bathory. That people like that actually existed IS actually scary as shit. Just put me in a darkened room with that picture of Vlad Tepes, and soon enough I will be clawing at the sheetrock to get the fuck outta there, scared. Hell, any footage of Romania at dusk is freaky ass shit; they should just loop footage of that shit and charge us $10 a ticket.

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