Sunday, October 06, 2013

Miley: The Bowel Movement (The Shit Just Keeps Coming)

Since I'm apparently a 9 year-old girl I got sucked into watching the new Miley Cyrus documentary for about  an hour, did I mention I have no testes?  five minutes, and its yet another reminder that these ridiculous docs showing an artist talk about making their latest record are always insufferable. At each step they're amazed anything happened; they sit around MARVELING at what they're doing. It's not that they're necessarily saying they're amazing themselves or anything, but they're like a dog staring at a radio wondering where the sound is coming from. Bands are always AMAZED at themselves re: “how this record came together.” Araarrrrrggggghhh. Every time some fuckwad band is releasing an album now, they sit back and in interviews and MARVEL at how this record “came together.” They’re mystified, wowed at how this magic happened. “Yeah, I mean, how this record was made, I mean it just somehow happened, came together, like magic, you know?” mean you wrote some songs, some people came and played them and you recorded it? Wow! What a MYSTERY!!! Shut the fuck up. And then there’s always the jagoff who’s gotta take time out to let us know that while recording gee, I dunno, he just doesn’t really trust “technology.” He’s a luddite, all about the music! Shut the fuck up. You play electric instruments and record mostly onto a computer after which you pray that 15 year olds download your songs onto their iPods. So quit this stupid act; quit acting like if it were up to you you’d whisper your songs into blades of grass until the ghost of Robert Johnson heard your amazing, ethereal cuts and somehow made them available at Starbucks. Fuck. YEEEEEEW!

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