Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Poets! Poets! Not Poets!

I, for one, had no idea she was hot as balls. Gotdam - if you can have a hair bun and still be hot, that's fucking impressive. - XMASTIME
She's no poet per se, but I've wantwd to bang Virginia Woolf for some time now. Unlike, of course, the unfortunate-looking Edith Wharton.

And don't forget: she's on Downton Abbey this series!! (sorry, "season", for you fucking rubes.)

Anyhoo, here's the latest round of Dead Poets I'd Like to Fuck.

But of course, she is no Camille Claudel. Sigh. Dead Mrs. Xmastime Hall of Fame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well that's just creepy and you KNOW it Mr. Hallow Shall Weeny.