Sunday, October 06, 2013

Wait, What?

As if the Third Reich didn't already led the league in Awful, turns out there was a whole group of evil, murderous women  or, you might say, women  under Hitler's wing, known as Hitler's  crazy fucking beeyotches  Furies:
During the liquidation of the ghetto, the German commander of the nearby POW camp saw Fräulein Hanna, in her riding pants, prodding Jewish men, women, and children into a truck. She circulated through the ghetto cracking her whip, trying to bring order to the chaos “like a cattle herder,” as this German observer put it. Altvater entered the building that served as a makeshift hospital. She burst into the children’s ward and walked from bed to bed, eyeing each child. She stopped, picked one up, took it to the balcony, and threw the child to the pavement below. She pushed the older children to the balcony of the ward—which was on the third floor—and shoved them over the rail. Not all of the children died on impact, but those who survived were seriously injured.
Fucking terrifying. Though good on them for going from being known for murdering children to adorably cute & cuddly sex. Whoever's in charge of the public relations is a genius.

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