Monday, November 11, 2013

Incognito - Seriously, Isn't That the Most Ironic Name in a While?

There's not much new I can say about the whole Miami Dolphins fiasco, but I do have a few thoughts:

1) I'm only halfway joking when I say I think the NFL is gleefully making ESPN et al fill the airwaves with this story to distract from the real story, concussion. I mean, Tony Dorsett comes out and admits he's had suicidal thoughts and forgets where he is a lot of the time, and yet it's all non-stop Dolphins shit on tv/radio, 24/7? Really?

2) Maybe it's time to finally say yeah, you know what, white people are probably just better off not using the n-word. No matter what, it's not going to end well. First you hafta talk about the culture you're in, then you find yourself blathering "I've got black friends" and then of course you hafta claim that of all people, you break the world record for NOT being racist, and then, if you're lucky, you get to do a rehab tour and cash in on having "learned your lesson" via a tv/book tour. Hey, wait a minute....

(Note: I "created" this chart, but I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere else online, perhaps someone can link to it?)

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