Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mike Lisk is a Fucking Star

Longtime Xmastime buddy Mike Lisk (Bayonne Mike, to you older fans) gets the star treatment!
Lisk, who started out as a listener, became involved with the show eight years ago, after he got into an online debate about Dinosaur Jr. with Scharpling, who invited him to duke it out in the studio. He soon became the show’s call-screener, and after a couple of years, Scharpling “created me as a character,” he says, by telling stories about Lisk (“most of them untrue”) and leading to more air time for him. (A turning point was when he gave Scharpling a copy of Werner Herzog’s Stroszek, which became fodder for the show.)
You can listen to the two podcast I did with Mike over on the right, in the XMASTIME CLASSICS section. Which hasn't expanded since these podcasts. Hmm.

Warning: NSFW. Probably not safe for home, ether.

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