Saturday, November 02, 2013

Westerberg All Around Aujourd'hui?

Earlier today I found out that the amazingly so-so Paul Westerberg album Eventually is for some reason being re-released on vinyl. Then I force myself to sit through about 15 minutes of This is 40 and there's a photo of Westerberg on Paul Rudd's wall, and then flipped to Heathers which of course was set at Westerburg High. Wtf?

Anyhoo. Suicaine Gratifaction is by far his best solo record, and the only one I would even deign to consider to be on par with a Replacements album.


The Gnat said...

Partial to 14 Songs. Better Westerbergian "rockers" than suicaine.

Xmastime said...

Other than World Class Fad, maybe his best song and worthy of any Replacements album, Ive always found 14 Songs a bit of a snoozefest.