Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Worlds Colliding

Ralphie from A Christmas Story...went on to hang out with The Beatles during an early tour:
"But they all find it difficult to make any real contact with anybody outside of their immediate circle. And vice versa. As they appear unreal to their maniacal fams, so their fans appear to them, And an incessant infestation of interviewers has erected a wall of hackneyed wisecracks and ghostwritten ripostes between them and the press. So getting to know the Beatles, and to draw them out, was a discouraging task at first. I traveled and lived with them for three days before the first crack appeared in the invisable shield that surrounds them. Paul suddenly asked me about my cold - which I had been nursing since my arrival - and I knew that real life had reared its unexpected head.

Scroll down for his "interview" with them for Playboy:

PLAYBOY: "We've heard it said that when you first went to America you were doubtful that you'd make it over there."
JOHN: "That's true. We didn't think we were going to make it at all. It was only Brian telling us we were gonna make it. Brian Epstein our manager, and George Harrison."

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