Monday, December 02, 2013


Buddy Holly's window, Maria Elena:
Early in 2008, Santiago-Holly visited the apartment building where she and Holly lived. There, she observed musicians in nearby Washington Square Park, where Holly often played his guitar. "I gave one musician $9 because 9 was Buddy's favorite number", she told the Avalanche-Journal.
Famously, John Lennon's favorite number was 9.
We all know Lennon, as did the rest of The Beatles, worshiped Buddy Holly. But there's no way that he could've known about Buddy Holly's favoring the number 9, could there? For one, I've read a zillion Beatles books and while he's blathered on and on about the number 9, he never mentioned it also being Buddy Holly's number. And Lennon was a fucking chatterbox.

And two, there wasn't the free-flow of information out there like there is today; particularly about something that only a reclusive widow may know. Hmm.

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