Thursday, December 19, 2013

A&E Hates Freedom, Probably Jesus and His Scrappy, Loveable Sidekick Baby Jesus Too.

I'm sure your Twitter has blown up like mine over the Duck Dynasty fiasco. My Tea Party friends are outraged over the suspension. Of course as I mentioned during Sniffy-Wiffy's Dr. Laura nonsense a few years ago, "freedom of speech" does not mean "freedom from consequences":
Somebody needs to explain to Sarah Palin (I refuse to call her "Sniffy" right now) who exactly is "shackling" Dr. Laura. Because the answer, as far as I can tell, is nobody.

Yes, if you throw the N-word around on your radio show you might lose listeners. Yes, you might lose sponsors concerned about their own brand. Which, I believe, is the genius of the free market that someone like Sarah Palin espouses to love so much. If there was a market for a 63 year-old white women to say "ni--er!" on the radio all day, the sponsors would be lined up around the block.

At no point did the evil gub'ment step in to shut Dr. Laura down. She quit.

But, in the sacred world of private industry wherein people hire other people in accordance with how much money they can bring in, again a world that Sarah Palin can only pretend to understand, throwing the word "ni--er" around on a radio show would presumably not be a smart thing to do.
And of course we're talking about a guy on a show which a lot of people watch solely to make fun of their backwoods, redneck ways, so being surprised he's not in love with the idea of dudes fucking each other is pretty strange. Surely the clock was running on this the second the show started, no?

And oh. Guess who is in the mix? Of course. Oh, Sniffbat, don't ever change.

So pissed she said it twice, I guess.

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