Monday, December 09, 2013

Seinfeld du Jour

Here's the scene in The Tape, when George has the Chinese delivery guy talk to someone in China about some hair-growth medicine he's trying to order.
George: Huh. Excuse me (to Ping) Hum... Do you speak chinese?
Ping: Chinese....Yeah.
George: Look...humm..I'm on with Beijing with the hair restauration clinic. Could you talk to them for me and tell them I'd like to place an order.
Ping: (sounds like) Gwen , Ayon. Wonche son thai gettin my chon fai yu. ( looks at George and laughs)
George: They got a billion people over there and he found a relative.
Ping: Ah Fuka suma. If you send money they send cream.
George: They send me? Aw right ..ask 'em Does it really work?
Ping: Gym a gun sen tokomo. Chin che. They say you grow hair, Look a like Stalin
George: Ask' em Are there any side effects?
Ping: Dowe o futo yum.... Impotence. ....(makes a just kidding gesture)
George: Aw! Funny he's a funny guy.
This transcriber's racism notwithstanding, anyone else ever notice that when he says "impotence" the camera cuts to Kramer, who's laughing while inserting wet noodles into his mouth?

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