Friday, January 03, 2014

Almost Here!

We're less than 48 hours from finally getting to watch season 4 of Downton Abbey, and this much everybody seems to agree on: The entire Bates/Anna/jail thing was beyond insufferable and any further action with those two should be, in spite of the Dowager herself once remarking it's not how she prefers her drama, off-screen.

Also, everybody has decided Lord Grantham is a fucking idiot and the root of all problems:
He feels terrible about this. He feels terrible about a lot of things, actually, and a woman usually helps him to see the error of his ways. Lord Grantham is not a monster; he's just really bad at being Lord Grantham, and sort of insufferable when he's called out on it. He is supposed to be the protector of the house, but instead he is a walking wrecking ball, causing messes upstairs and down. It is time for Lord Grantham to stop ruining Downton. Or at least to take a business class.
Personally, I've always liked the chap and appreciated his benevolence. But hey, what do I know - all I did was come in second place in the 1979 Tappahannock Easter Egg Bunny Coloring Contest so sure, I'm old news. Whatevs. H8rz gon'h8.

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