Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Five NYE Highlights

1. Buying a bottle of champagne for a table of girls across the room, then knocking them out with my own Cary Grant-esque debonair, then praying they weren't in high school. 

2. Finally trying some sort of sushi for the first time. Very good. I'm not saying Bumblebee from the can good, but good. 

3. Being outraged that some young dude wore a t-shirt out on NYE. Wtf. I'm not saying my sportcoat from the Johnny Bench collection makes me the classiest dude in the world, but put on a collared shirt for chrissake. 

4.Sistatime!s boyfriend making Watty look like a midget. Whoops, sorry, PC police: a dwarf. 

5. Officially declaring 2014 to be "The Year of Yes", after each of the years from 1972 to 2013 having been "The Year of Oh, Really? Who the Hell Do You Think you Are - Get the Hell Outta Here With that Shit Already."

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