Saturday, January 11, 2014

Glory Road Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

A few years ago HERE I reviewed Glory Road for the inexorable piece of shit it was, including the idea that Don Haskins started five black players for the sole purpose of, you know, ending racism. Which of course is ridiculous:
I'm fairly certain Coach Haskins woulda started Hitler and Charles Manson if they were his best players. Watching this shit, he should be able to sue whoever made this crapass flick. I can't wait for the sequel, either: Coach only plays the players who haven't fucked little kids. It's time to teach the world that sexual abuse is bad!!

But in making it through about five mnutes just now without throwing up, I'm reminded that in the movie Haskins not only states that all five starters will be black, but that THE ONLY SEVEN PEOPLE THAT PLAY AT ALL WILL BE THE BLACK PLAYERS.

The "goodbye racism" absurdity notwithstanding, this scene manages to not just insult black people once, but twice. First by painting the historic event of five starters as a gift from Whitey, who is of course  A   W   E  S   O  M   E, and then by showing black people to be assholes. As in, what players would go through such a season together, through all the shit they had to go through as a race, and in the end be okay with ANOTHER race being shut out of playing in the final? If I'm a black member of that team I'd be suing the movie's ass off.

Cap doffed to the writer's ability to be so insulting in just one scene. Wow.

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